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Discus lover club: price list


The discus nameSMLXLXXL
Blue Diamond10 $25 $40 $60-100 $100-200 $
Marlboro Red10 $25 $40 $60-100 $100-200 $
Red Melon10 $25 $40 $60-100 $100-200 $
Solid Cobalt10 $25 $40 $60-100 $100-200 $
Pigeon Blood10 $25 $40 $60-100 $100-200 $
White Diamond10 $25 $40 $60-100 $100-200 $
Snake Skin10 $25 $40 $60-100 $100-200 $
Ghost10 $25 $40 $60-100 $100-200 $
Turquoise10 $20 $30 $60-100 $100-200 $
Red Turquoise10 $20 $30 $60-100 $100-200 $

The size of the fish are shown in centimeters or encrypted letter abbreviations as indicated below:

S - young specimens (small juveniles)

M - young specimens (large juvenile)

L - juvenile specimens (particularly medium-sized)

XL - adults (particularly the optimal value)

XXL - adults (particularly the maximum value)

Minimum order are 10 pcs. for discus with size S, M, L. You can order of 2 pcs.(1 pair) of discus with sizes XL, XXL.

Terms of delivery stipulated separately with the customer.

Prices may vary in both directions depending on the quality of discus and clarifies with the client.

You can order discus, are not included in the table.

Phone for prompt communication: 8-063-281-90-55

E-mailдля заказа : fish14@ukr.net E-mail for ordering: fish14@ukr.net

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